segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008

Treino ABC 1x - completo

• Aquecimento 10 minutos ou alongar e aquecer o grupo muscular a ser trabalhado.
• Supino - 20-10-8-8
• Crucifixo - 10-8-8
• Supino inclinado com barra ou halteres - 3x10
• Crossover ou paralelas - 3x10
• Rosca direta barra livre ou cabo - 15-10-8-8
• Banco Scott - 10-10-8
• Rosca concentrada - 3x12
• Rosca punho c/ barra - 2x20
• ABD - crunches banco - 4x20
Encolhimento de pernas no banco plano - 3x15
Alongar geral final do treino.

TREINO B - DORSAL, OMBRO E TRAPÉZIO. • Aquecimento - mesmo treino A

• Puxador alto p/ trás da nuca - 15-10-8-8
• Remada unilateral - 3x10
• Remada curvada ou remada alta - 3x8
• Remada baixa - 10-8-6
• Puxador alto frente inverso - 2x15
• Desenvolvimento articulado ou halteres - 15-10-8-6
• Elevação lateral ombros sentado - 3x8
• Elevação frontal simultâneo - 3x10
• Crucifixo inverso( posterior de ombro) - 3x12
Série combinada
Encolhimento de ombros c/ halteres - 3x12
Alongar geral final do treino.

TREINO C - TRÍCEPS E MEMBRO INFERIOR + ABD • Aquecimento 10 min - mesmo treino A
• Adutor - 20-3x10
• Cadeira extensora - 15-10-8-8
• Leg press aberto - 2x10-2x8
• Agachamento livre ou fixo - 10-10-8-6
• Mesa flexora - 3x10
• Cadeira flexora ou stiff - 3x12
• Gêmeos em pé - 20-3x12
• Gêmeos sentado - 3x15
• Pulley direto - 12-10-8-8
• Testa c/ barra ou halteres - 2x8 - 2x6
• Mergulho entre bancos ou coice - 3x10
• ABD - Crunches cabo ou banco plano c/ peso - 4x20
• Alongar geral final do treino

5 comentários:

Good Behaviour disse...

Everyone knows that E-Liquid is made from all natural or chemical ingredients. You will find many companies that make different E-Liquids with nicotine and other chemicals in them. What you may not know is that Nicotine shots are in most of the E-Liquid that you can get today.

shaahah disse...

You can look through all of the home decor online store in your area you want to, but if you do not know which ones are worth it, then you may find yourself having to hunt and wait for hours just to get what you want. This is the reason why when you are out shopping for the perfect home decor, you should try to get something that will really impress your visitors.

shaahah disse...

Another style of farmhouse decor is to use wicker furniture that has been carefully hand painted to give a colonial look. It can also include quaint wall hangings and holly berries. A farmhouse that has been decorated in this way looks beautiful because of the well-thought out details. You can find various styles of farmhouse decor, including English, American, Spanish, Mediterranean and Asian styles, in various stores. You can find farmhouse decor online as well. It is worth looking at a wide variety of options before making a purchase to ensure that you get the best possible look for your home.

Syed Hammad Hussain disse...

Everyone knows that E Liquids is made from all natural or chemical ingredients. You will find many companies that make different E-Liquids with nicotine and other chemicals in them. What you may not know is that Nicotine shots are in most of the E-Liquid that you can get today. I have always had a problem with my friends smoking, I mean I know it is something that we all do. However, it has gotten to the point where it becomes a problem for me as well. The problem with this is that I would have to go out and buy Nicotine shots every time I wanted to smoke one of the many E-Liquids on the market. This just does not seem fair to me and at the same time it is not fair to the people that are trying to quit smoking.

Anônimo disse...

No matter what the situation, human beings should keep their thinking positive; positivity fix many things either its worst circumstances or anything.

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